Europe and International

EU and international topics (ECOFIN, Eurogroup, Austrian Stability Programme)

The Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the once-monthly Economic and Financial Affairs Council, commonly known as the ECOFIN Council. The ECOFIN Council discusses issues such as economic and monetary union, economic and budgetary policies, financial services and supervision, tax coordination and financial relations with third countries. 

The ECOFIN also prepares the EU's annual budget and coordinates EU positions for international meetings, such as the G20, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. It is also responsible for the financial aspects of international negotiations on measures to tackle climate change.

For more information please check  the official website of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN).


Eurogroup - an informal body bringing together euro area ministers to discuss euro-related matters. Its main task is to ensure close coordination of economic policies among the euro area member states. It also aims to promote conditions for stronger economic growth. The Eurogroup is also responsible for preparing the Euro Summit meetings and for their follow-up.

Austrian Stability Programme

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1466/97, amended by Regulation (EU) No 1175/2011, euro area Member States are required to submit a Stability Programme each year, while other EU Member States have to submit a Convergence Programme.

More information on the stability programme and Austria economy can be found in the section Budget and Economy Policy of this website.

Austria and International Financial Institutions

Detailed information about Austria and International Financial Institutions can be found in the section Financial Sector of this website.