International framework

Almost all of the EU and OECD countries and some of the developing and emerging countries, like China, India, Brazil or South Africa have a state supported export credit system at their disposal.

The OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits (Export Credit Arrangement) pursues the goal to ensure a level playing field between the different official supported export credit systems. The International Working Group on Export Credits (IWG) seeks to develop global rules for officially supported export credit schemes also covering Non-OECD-Countries (like China, Russia, Brazil, etc.). Austria takes part as an EU Member State in the Export Credit Arrangement (Participants’ Group) and in the IWG-discussions. Within the OECD trade committee Austria also participates in the “Working Party on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees”. Within the EU - Council Working Group EU positions for the OECD-Participants- and the IWG-Meetings are coordinated and EU internal rules and regulations in connection with official export credit support are dealt with.