Soft Loans

Soft Loans contribute to the realisation of sustainable projects by Austrian exporters in selected developing countries through the use of grants and below-market interest rates. Soft Loan financing is provided in the form of tied aid credits, i.e. it is restricted to the export of mainly Austrian goods and services.

The maximum permissible foreign content, which means foreign content from third countries plus local costs, is limited to 50% of the value of the contract. Soft Loan annual reports offer insight into the various activities within the framework of the Austrian soft loan scheme.

Project Preparation Program

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance provides under the Project Preparation Program financial resources in the form of non-refundable grants in support of project identifying and/or preparatory services in conjunction with project undertakings in eligible soft loan countries which may be financed by Austrian soft loans. The preparatory measures/services may prepare the ground for business opportunities for Austrian companies. OeKB acts as handling agent in the implementation of this program.