Resource Use in Austria

The report series "Resource Use in Austria" has been published since 2011. The third and latest volume of the series presents current research on resource use in Austria from 2000 to 2018.

Societies around the world need natural resources as a basis for their production processes, their consumption activities and the maintenance and construction of new infrastructures. Every use of fossil energy carriers, metals, non-metallic minerals, biomass, water and air leads to a burden on the environment in the form of waste and/or emissions. For example, our material consumption already exceeds our planet's pollution limits fourfold, leading to the most pressing issues of our time, from climate change and security of supply of natural raw materials to loss of biodiversity.

The report Resource Use in Austria 2020 summarises and discusses current research on Austrian resource use. It is also dedicated to sustainable resource use as a cross-cutting field between resource efficiency, climate protection and raw materials for future technologies.

Resource Use in Austria 2020 - Short version (PDF, 1 MB)

Resource Use in Austria 2020 - Long version (PDF, 9 MB)